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    During the XV and XVI Italian Antarctic expeditions (1999/2000, 2000/01), 609 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Tectono-metamorphic and magmatic evolution of the Antarctic Pacific paleo-margin of Gondwana in the late Proterozoic-Early Paleozoic (Victoria Land, Shackleton Range, Dronning Maud Land)" in northern Victoria Land and central Transantarctic Mountains. They include intrusive, subvolcanic and metamorphic rocks. The investigated regions are within Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Reeves Névé SS 55-57/12, Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8, Welcome Mountain SS 55-57/4, Cape Selborne SU 55-60/2 and Mount Olympus SU 56-60/1 USGS sheets.

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    During the XXII Italian Antarctic expedition (2006/07), 33 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the ANDRILL project in southern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The investigated regions are within Ross Island ST 57-60/6* sheet. Project: Antarctic Drilling Project.

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    During the XXX and XXXI Italian Antarctic expeditions (2014/15, 2015/16), 713 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Climate and tectonic forcings on sediment dispersal in the West Antarctic Rift System of South Victoria Land: a source-to-sink, multi-proxy provenance study" in northern and southern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, fossils and sediments. The investigated regions are within Convoy Range ST 57-60/1, Franklin Island ST 57-60/2*, Mount Discovery ST 57-60/10, Mount Harmsworth ST 57-60/9, Mount Joyce SS 55-57/16, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Reeves Névé SS 55-57/12, Ross Island ST 57-60/6* and Taylor Glacier ST 57-60/5 USGS sheets.

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    Distribution records of Amphipoda based on the collection stored at the Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA) is an occurrence type dataset published by Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA, Section of Genoa). This dataset provides occurrence information for Amphipoda specimens spanning 25 years of scientific research and dating back to 1995. The distributional information provided here represents the specimens stored at the Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA) belonging to the order Amphipoda and acquired in the context of 23 different research projects that took place during 16 scientific polar expeditions conducted in Antarctica. It represents an additional resource documenting the distribution of Antarctic Amphipoda in the Southern Ocean, from the Antarctic Peninsula to the Ross Sea, focusing on the Terra Nova Bay area. This dataset reports a total of 456 distributional occurrences of Amphipoda specimens, collected during 117 different sampling events, and corresponding to 24 families, 27 genera and 34 different species. Out of the total occurrences reported, 217 are identified to the species level, 72 to the genus and 75 to the family level.

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    During the VI Italian Antarctic expedition (1990/91), 1008 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Petrology, geochemistry and metallogenesis of igneous and metamorphic basement" in northern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The investigated regions are within Cape Hallett SS 58-60/2, Coulman Island SS 58-60/6, Franklin Island ST 57-60/2*, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Joyce SS 55-57/16, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Relief Inlet SS 58-60/13, Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8 and Welcome Mountain SS 55-57/4 USGS sheets.

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    During the XXVIII Italian Antarctic expedition (2012/13), 338 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the CLITEITAM project in northern and southern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, sediments and fossil woods. The investigated regions are within Convoy Range ST 57-60/1, Daniels Range SR 57-58/14, Franklin Island ST 57-60/2*, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Discovery ST 57-60/10, Mount Harmsworth ST 57-60/9, Mount Joyce SS 55-57/16, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Mount Soza SR 57-58/15, Ob' Bay SR 57-58/11, Reeves Névé SS 55-57/12, Ross Island ST 57-60/6*, Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8, Taylor Glacier ST 57-60/5 and Welcome Mountain SS 55-57/4 USGS sheets. Project title: CLImate-tectonics Interactions along the TransAntactic Mountains Front and comparison with the arctic record in the Greenland-Svalbard region.

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    During the VI Italian Antarctic expedition (1990/91), 394 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Regional and structural geology, stratigraphy, geological mapping and remote sensing" in northern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The investigated regions are within Cape Hallett SS 58-60/2, Coulman Island SS 58-60/6, Franklin Island ST 57-60/2*, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Joyce SS 55-57/16, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Reeves Névé SS 55-57/12, Ross Island ST 57-60/6*, Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8 and Welcome Mountain SS 55-57/4 USGS sheets.

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    During the XIX and XXI Italian Antarctic expeditions (2003/04, 2005/06), 645 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the INTERTAM project in northern and southern Victoria Land and in central Transantarctic Mountains. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The investigated regions are within Cape Selborne SU 55-60/2, Carlyon Glacier ST 57-60/13*, Daniels Range SR 57-58/14, Mount Discovery ST 57-60/10, Mount Harmsworth ST 57-60/9, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Mount Olympus SU 55-60/1, Ross Island ST 57-60/6*, Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8, Taylor Glacier ST 57-60/5 and Welcome Mountain SS 55-57/4 USGS sheets. Project: Interregional correlations for the Ross Orogen in the Ross Sea/Ross Ice Shelf sector of the Transantarctic Mountains: implications for the tectonic evolution of the palaeo-Pacific Antarctic margin of Gondwana.

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    During the IX Italian Antarctic expedition (1993/94), 274 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Crustal accretion of the paleo-Pacific margin of Antarctica in the Phanerozoic" in northern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The investigated regions are within Cape Hallett SS 58-60/2, Coulman Island SS 58-60/6, Daniels Range SR 57-58/14, Ebbe Glacier SR 57-58/16, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Mount Soza SR 57-58/15, Ob' Bay SR 57-58/11 and Welcome Mountain SS 55-57/4 USGS sheets.

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    During the IX Italian Antarctic expedition (1993/94), 387 rocks and fossils have been sampled within the aim of the project "Geological mapping of the Ross Sea area" in northern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and fossil woods. The investigated regions are within Cape Hallett SS 58-60/2, Coulman Island SS 58-60/6, Daniels Range SR 57-58/14, Ebbe Glacier SR 57-58/16, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Joyce SS 55-57/16, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Mount Soza SR 57-58/15, Reeves Névé 55-57/12 and Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8 USGS sheets.