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  • During the XXXIV Italian Antarctic expedition (2018/19), 246 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Early Paleozoic geodynamics of northern Victoria Land and implications for Gondwana reconstructions" in northern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, ultramafic and metamorphic rocks. The investigated regions are within Cape Hallett SS 58-60/2, Coulman Island SS 58-60/6, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Mount Soza SR 57-58/15, Ob' Bay SR 57-58/11 and Pomerantz Tableland SR 57-58/10 USGS sheets. Project: Early Paleozoic geodynamics of northern Victoria Land and implications for Gondwana reconstructions.

  • During the I Italian Antarctic expedition (1985/86), 73 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Vulcanological survey of the Cenozoic volcanism, Victoria Land, Antarctica" in northern Victoria Land. They include different volcanic rocks. The investigated regions are within Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9 and Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5 USGS sheets. Project: Vulcanological survey of the Cenozoic volcanism, Victoria Land, Antarctica.

  • During the XXXVII Italian Antarctic expedition (2021/22), 88 rocks have been sampled within the aim of “LARK” project in northern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The investigated regions are within Daniels Range SR 57-58/14, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Mount Soza SR 57-58/15, Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8 and Welcome Mountain SS 55-57/4 USGS sheets. Project: Linking the Aviator and Rennick Glacier Kinematics.

  • CRP-1 gravel-fraction core samples are clasts collected from the CRP-1 drill core (Cape Roberts) and are now preserved at the repository of the Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide. Clasts include intrusive, metamorphic, sedimentary and volcanic rocks.

  • During the XXXVIII Italian Antarctic expedition (2022/23), 126 rocks have been sampled within the aim of “MAGIC” project in northern Victoria Land. They include volcanic, igneous and metamorphic rocks, and sediment. The investigated regions are within Cape Hallett SS58-60/2, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5 and Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9 USGS sheets. Project: Magma-Ice interaction: late Miocene ice thickness and eruption tempo in northern Victoria Land.

  • During the I Italian Antarctic expedition (1985/86), 853 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Geological, structural, petrological and geochemical research programme" in northern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The investigated regions are within Coulman Island SS 58-60/6, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Reeves Nevé SS 55-57/12, Relief Inlet SS 58-60/13 and Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8 USGS sheets.

  • During the XXXIV Italian Antarctic expedition (2018/19), 16 rocks have been sampled within the aim of “G-IDEA” project in northern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The investigated regions are within Daniels Range SR 57-58/14, Mount Soza SR 57-58/15, Ob' Bay SR 57-58/11 and Pomerantz Tableland SR 57-58/10 USGS sheets. Project: Geodynamics and Ice Dynamics in the East Antarctica.

  • During the XXXVIII Italian Antarctic expedition (2022/23), 25 rocks and 50 bags of sands have been sampled within the aim of "DISGELI" project in northern Victoria Land. The rock samples include plutonic, volcanic, metamorphic and igneous rocks and sediments. The investigated regions are within the Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9 USGS sheet. Project: Drone-based acquISition and modelling of morpho-stratigraphic data alonG the TErra Nova Bay (Victoria Land, AntarctIca) coastline.

  • Carbonaceous chondrites - CM are meteorites collected during the Italian Antarctic Expeditions since 2015 in Victoria Land and are now preserved at the repository of the Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide.